Anil Singhal 应用

Organon of Medicine Homeopathy 1.9
Anil Singhal
Organon of Medicine is the compilation ofdoctrine principles of homeopathic medicine as invented by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann. The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann ispopular as “Organon by Hahnemann” or “Hahnemann’s Organon” or“Organon Medicine” or “Homeopathy Organon” or “Organon ofhomeopathic medicine”. This is “the homeopathy Bible”.Now, you can read and discuss all aphorisms from 5th edition &6th edition of Organon of Medicine with additions from Outline ofthe Organon of Samuel Hahnemann by Julian Winston, practicalimportance of Aphorisms as highlighted by JT Kent, EB Nash andother